Proofof Words

Family overview

2 styles
1 weight


    Savon Regular
    Savon Italic
    Savon Regular
    Savon Italic

    Glyphset overview

    Savon Regular


    About Savon

    Savon is a work in progress. It is a classic Garamond inspired typeface. In addition to a few anachronistic details present in the Regular, the fancy Italic with its generous Swashes will give it a modern and offbeat look.


    Fanny Hamelin (Roman) Loan Bottex (Italic) Léo Guibert (Italic)

    Design date



    1.0 (January 2025)


    657 Roman
    710 Italic


    Savon Regular
    Savon Italic


    [×] A-Z a-z 0-9 . , - ! ?
    [×] Extended punctuation
    [×] Small set of diacritics
    [ ] Extended set of diacritics
    [×] Superiors/Inferiors
    [×] Math signs
    [×] Symbols
    [×] Spacing and Kerning
    [×] OpenType features
    [ ] Review of existing drawing
    [ ] Family extension (weights)

    Last notes

    This is the 1st version of Savon, as it was released in 2020. The kerning between existing letters and other signs is done.

    We are planning on completely reviewing and correcting the drawing of the Regular and Italic.

    Then, we will be expanding the family with additional bolder weights and their corresponding Italics.

    Specimen Savon
    Specimen Savon

    WiP Fonts

    What are WiP Fonts?

    WiP Fonts are not really different from our other Fonts besides that they aren’t finished yet. All our WiP Fonts are planned to be fully released and we intend to finish them. We’re just not able to schedule a release date yet.
    You can request a Demo to try them and License them. Some WiP Fonts are more advanced than others, and some progress faster. That’s why the License price is adjusted to take account of the development phases.
    We also offer our usual discounts: if you buy a Roman, you can get 50% off the Italic later if it’s not finished yet.

    Get WiP Fonts!

    This Font is not released yet because it’s a work in progress. If you want to try or license it, please click on the link below for a request.

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