PoW Limerick: Dusting off cross stitch

Fanny Hamelin
27 January 2025
Design note
Reading time
6 minutes
Limerick, alongside Covenant, was one of the first two typefaces to make it to the Proof of Words type catalogue. Limerick is a pixel font deriving from the ABCs cross-stitch charts. This small article aims to explain Limerick’s design process and its key features.
PoW Covenant: Scotch Roman Exploration and Mechanization

Léo Guibert
15 September 2023
Design note
Reading time
8 minutes
Among the typefaces chosen for the launching of Proof of Words was Covenant. It is a reinterpretation of modern typefaces that explores the mechanization process on letter shapes. —This small article is aiming to explain the design process behind Covenant and to review its key features.
Notes on Licensing

Fanny Hamelin
16 June 2023
Reading time
11 minutes
Before working on the Proof of Words foundry project with Léo, I had never given Licensing much thought. Why would I? During my studies, I knew that you had to buy the Fonts if you wanted to use them, it seemed logical. But I had never thought about it in depth, and it’s not something you hear much about in school.
After graduating, I did internships and freelance work for several foundries, but the question never came up either, as they already had established practices. My role was to design and develop typefaces rather than to think about the Licensing system.